No other moment in history has ever seen this great flux of migrants. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 70 million people are subject to displacement, and 25 million of them are refugees.
These figures, which increase due to poverty, inequality or armed conflicts, have made this issue a priority within the agenda of governments and cooperation agencies. This was what arose during the Global Refugee Forum, held recently in Geneva (Switzerland), where the BBVA Microfinance Foundation participated.
This forum, organized by UNHCR, Tent Partnership for Refugees and the International Chamber of Commerce, have gathered private sector representatives, and other key development players, to discuss about the role of companies in constructing a more united and just world.
“We can’t afford to abandon refugees to hopelessness, nor their hosts to bear the responsibility alone. We need international cooperation and practical, effective responses”, stressed the United Nations secretary general, Antonio Guterres.
Read the main conclusions of this year’s forum in this article, as well as the ways which the private sector can contribute to improve the lives of refugees: