Technology and microfinance to fight rural poverty

Event Details

    July 25, 2018
    09:30 - 11:00

Av Jorge Basadre 595, San Isidro 15073, Lima (Perú)
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The BBVA Microfinance Foundation will present its 2017 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters”, and how technology contributes to the development of vulnerable people.

Participants include Carolina Trivelli, former former Minister for Development and Social Inclusion and specialist in public policies and rural development; Marushka Chocobar, secretary for Peru’s Gobierno Digital Secretariat; Luis Germán Linares, general manager for Financiera Confianza, BBVAMF’s institution in Peru.

Stephanie García Van Gool, Director of Impact Assessment and Strategic Development for the Foundation, will present data on BBVAMF’s activity, as well as the outcomes in Peru, where the progress of almost one million entrepreneurs are being supported.

Charly Mendoza, credit officer for Financiera Confianza, will explain the app that the MFI uses to bring branch offices closer to the entrepreneurs’ businesses, cutting travel times and allowing a faster and more efficient service.