What does having “good financial health” mean? Have you ever taken out a loan to meet your expenses? Did you take out insurance the last time you…
More than 80% of the 124,000 entrepreneurs served by Fondo Esperanza are women Microenterprises generate over 3,000,000 jobs in Chile –around 40% of national employment– according to the latest survey by the National…
More than half of the clients supported by Financiera Confianza are women, formerly excluded from the formal financial system Women were at the spotlight during the presentation of BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s (BBVAMF) 2018 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really…
Presentation of the 2018 BBVAMF Social Performance Report in Chile The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) presents its social performance outcomes in Chile, collected in its 2018 Social Performance Report “Measuring…
80% of Bancamía’s credit clients live under vulnerable conditions The BBVA Microfinance Foundation, through Bancamía, serves more than 1 million low-income entrepreneurs in Colombia, who improve their lives and…
Banco Adopem encourages entrepreneurship among the youth in Dominican Republic More than 50,000 people approached Banco Adopem for the first time in 2017. BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Dominican institution disbursed microcredits…
BBVAMF’s Social Performance Report is presented in the Dominican Republic The BBVA Microfinance Foundation will present its 2017 Social Performance Report, “Measuring what really matters“, in the Dominican Republic, together…
Microfinance improves women’s income and reduces gender gap According to BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Social Performance Report, which includes results from its Chilean institutions Fondo Esperanza and Emprende MF,…
The BBVAMF serves 17,500 vulnerable entrepreneurs in Panama The BBVA Microfinance Foundation presents its 2017 Social Performance results and outcomes in a report entitled “Measuring what really matters”…
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation presents Social Performance Report in Colombia The BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s 2017 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters” outlines the activity data as well as the…
Technology and microfinance to fight rural poverty The BBVA Microfinance Foundation will present its 2017 Social Performance Report “Measuring what really matters”, and how technology contributes to…
The BBVAMF promotes the development of more than 17,000 entrepreneurs in Panama Microserfin serves more than 17,000 people in Panama who improve their living standards through their own businesses. According to BBVAMF’s…