The BBVA Microfinance Foundation participated in the European Microfinance Week 2016 (EMW 2016) held in Luxembourg from November 16th to 18th. This annual conference organized by the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) is a major event of the microfinance industry, in which over 400 top professionals participate.
Rodrigo Peláez, director of Impact Assessment of the BBVAMF, and Stéphanie García Van Gool presented the audience the foundation’s social measurement system that supports the management on its decision making. “The purpose was to design a performance measuring model that allowed us to get to know our clients better, and to track their progress over time. In other words, measuring on a regular basis the degree of success in meeting our mission through performance indicators. And in addition, trying to bring all this knowledge as a key input to improve our value proposition and our strategy,” explained Peláez during the session “Managing client outcomes”.
“Measuring outcomes connects us to what is happening with our clients”
The Impact Assessment Team was created as an answer to the concern for measuring the conditions of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s clients, their poverty status and their progress over time. Its purpose is therefore to align the Foundation’s operations with its mission of supporting the end client’s sustainable economic and social development through productive activities. The findings are presented in a yearly report and include both social and economic information as a basis to better understand the client dynamics and ultimately provide a better service. “Measuring outcomes connects us to what is happening with our clients”, said Rodrigo Peláez.
In this two-part session, the BBVAMF’s Impact Assessment Team had the chance of discussing guidelines for practical and cost-effective measuring and reporting social outcomes with other top microfinance actors such as SPTF (Social Performance Task Force), Oikocredit, Microfinanza Rating and Triple Jump.
The EMW 2016 reunites top European actors working in developing countries
The European Microfinance Week reunites over 400 top professionals from several dozen countries. High level and in-depth discussions by all sectors of the European microfinance community working in developing countries are held. Participants contribute to European responses to global microfinance challenges and share experience on common topics of interest.
The e-MFP, a multi-stakeholder platform of European microfinance organisations working in developing countries organizes this event annually. The EMW programme includes sessions such as Microfinance and access to education and housing, Digital finance, Green microfinance, Microinsurance, Risk management, Rural finance, Social performance, Investments, Remittances or Financial education.
This year the e-MFP presented the report “Guidelines On Outcomes Management For Investors”. This publication, includes guidelines for integrating outcomes measurement into the operations of inclusive finance investors. The BBVAMF social measurement model is one of the case studies included in this report.