Forum on “Development and social impact of microfinance in Colombia: challenges and opportunities of the sector”

Event Details

29 June 2017

08:30 to 09:30

BBVA Colombia. Cra. 9 #72-21, Bogotá, Colombia
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The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF) will present its annual social performance report Measuring what really matters in Colombia; it summarizes the progress of more than 820,000 vulnerable people served by Bancamía in the country, the Foundation’s local microfinance entity.

This occasion, which will be celebrated in the BBVA headquarters in Colombia, will be attended by Óscar Cabrera, Executive President of BBVA Colombia, Claudio González-Vega, Chairman of the BBVAMF Board of Trustees, and Stephanie García Van Gool, Director of BBVAMF Impact Assessment and Strategic Development. Additionally, in the panel “Development and social impact of microfinance in Colombia: challenges and opportunities of the sector”, panelists include Jorge Castaño, the Financial Superintendent of Colombia; Carlos Gustavo Cano, Consultant and expert statistician in the rural sector; and María Clara Hoyos, President of Asomicrofinanzas. The panel will be moderated by Margarita Correa, President of the Board of Directors of Bancamía.