Forum: “Microfinance for the progress of an enterprising Colombia”

Event Details

    October 23, 2018
    07:00 - 13:00

Bancamía (carrera 9 n.º 66-25) / Bogotá (Colombia)
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On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, Bancamía, BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s institution in Colombia, together with Foros Semana, hosts a forum entitled, “Microfinance for the progress of an enterprising Colombia”.

The event will tackle how vulnerable people, especially women and rural population have been benefitted by microfinance, and how they have significantly contributed to improve development and financial inclusion in Colombia.

Participants in this event include Javier M. Flores, CEO of BBVA Microfinance Foundation; Miguel Ángel Charria, executive president of Bancamía; Óscar Cabrera, executive president of BBVA Colombia; María Clara Hoyos, executive president of the Colombian Association of Microfinance Institutions (Asomicrofinanzas); Ana Güezmes García, UN Women representative in Colombia; Martin Spahr, senior operations officer and MSME specialist at International Finance Corporation; Javier Ignacio Pérez, vice minister of Rural Development of Colombia; and Jorge Humberto Botero, president of the Colombian Federation for Insurers, among others.

The panels will focus on microfinance as a tool to achieve financial inclusion for development, the challenges and opportunities of digitalization for microbusinesses and the importance of economic empowerment of female entrepreneurs.