Event Details
17 May 2017
12:00 - 13:00
CAF HQ, Latin American Development Bank, Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso N°1, Torre Picasso, planta 24, 28020, Madrid
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The BBVA Microfinance Foundation has received an award for being one of “The 10 Top innovative social initiatives of 2016” for its Human Resources team management program “Simón: game theory for team management in Microfinance”.
CAF- Latin American Development Bank and the magazine Compromiso Empresarial chose the winners, for which 350 entries were received, all initiatives from Latin America and Spain that have improved society.
“Simón” is an original new interactive training program to teach BBVAMF middle managers how to develop high-performance teams. It is based around an innovative app that uses “Amigotchi”, a virtual character who sets challenges and scenarios that professionals must overcome in order to acquire skills that are useful in their daily work supporting vulnerable entrepreneurs.