- More than 7,000 low-income people in Peru and Panama have improved their homes thanks to Construyendo Confianza and Casafin, respectively, programs that include loans and assistance to upgrade home-based businesses
- The awarding ceremony has been celebrated during the 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Housing and Habitat Forum, organized by the Urban Housing Practitioners’ Hub, comprised of UN Habitat, Habitat for Humanity, the IDB and World Bank, among others
The Dominican Republic will host the 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Housing and Habitat Forum until tomorrow. The event will also receive and award the winners of the contest “Housing at the Center of the New Urban Agenda”, which acknowledges the best “inspiring practices” in the LAC region to support local sustainable urban development. Construyendo Confianza, from the Peruvian MFI of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, and Casafin, implemented by its Panamanian institution, have been selected under the category: Innovative mechanisms for financing and access to housing solutions.
Construyendo Confianza contributes to the reconstruction needs of Peru, in the aftermath of the Coastal El Niño Phenomenon, which destroyed more than 17,000 houses in 2017. “During the past months, we have helped 5,000 Peruvians improve their homes, thanks to the training received by the Foundation’s credit officers from construction professionals in the Northern region. We will replicate this very same methodology throughout the national territory”, confirmed project head, Giovana Lozada. By the end of the year, the project estimates to reach 15,000 people and keep on giving workshops that increase vulnerable people’s resilience in the event of natural disasters.
We have helped 5,000 Peruvians improve their homes, thanks to the training received by the Foundation’s credit officers from construction professionals in the Northern region”
To better serve clients, the BBVAMF’s Peruvian MFI has developed a mobile app called “Proyecta”, which enables the users to compute their budget according to their construction needs and the materials used. The app also allows for a 3D view of the building site.
In Panama, Casafin addresses the housing shortage amounting to 130,000 units plus another 75,000 units with below-standard quality, according to the Department of Housing and Territorial Regulation. This program is focused on families who live on less than USD 250 per month, and are financially excluded. Ever since its launch in 2012, more than 2,000 low-income entrepreneurs, 59% of them women, have improved the quality of their homes, where they also carry out their businesses. Aside from the loan, it also includes credit advice, to assist entrepreneurs in money management. Technical assistance during the construction process is also offered.
About Financiera Confianza, Peruvian MFI of the BBVAMF, and Microserfin, Panamanian institution of the BBVAMF
Out of the two million people served by the Foundation in Latin America, almost half a million are in Peru. These entrepreneurs receive the support of Financiera Confianza through financial products and services, and financial training. Among credit clients, half are women and almost 30% live in rural areas.
In Panama, the BBVAMF’s local institution serves more than 17,000 low-income entrepreneurs. 40% live in rural areas and 30% possess primary education at best.