Rural surroundings:
greater poverty and exclusion

We understand sustainability as financial support for personal, social and environmental development through leveraging technology. This is particularly important in the rural environment.


In rural areas – compared to urban contexts- in Latin America

Those with
access to basic

Population with
a pension:

Source: ECLAC Latin America & the Caribbean

Our rural clients
perform more strongly


Our rural clients perform better: their likelihood of escaping poverty is higher, whatever their income level at the outset.

Farming occupations

(crops, stockbreeding)

Good performance, although they face climate-change risks and variable incomes.

Non-farming occupations

(grocery stores, bakeries, etc.)

Of all the entrepreneurs, these perform the best.

Our commitment

Improve value chain management and promote women’s empowerment. Also encourage multibusinesses as a way to cope with risk.

Continue to finance businesses that foster improved productivity of rural enterprises.

Protect assets through insurance and savings products, as well as implementing climate resiliency measures.

Improve access to financial services through banking agents or other light-touch channels.

in rural areas
of rural entrepreneurs
are women
in economic
of rural entrepreneurs save
(avg. saving over USD 2)