Defining impact

It is the result of entrepreneurs’ hard work in upgrading their finances, their homes, their education, their lives and that of their families. All conditioned by access to, and use of, the financial system, to make the most of business opportunities, and to improve investment and savings decisions over time.

How we work on it

Understanding impact

The Amazons and Googles of today take decisions backed by evidence and experience. We do the same with our social performance. When we compare client segments, projects or data over time, we use rigorous analysis, putting outcomes over outputs, and seeking out proven causal correlations instead of guesswork.

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Prioritizing impact

Impact is complex and outcomes vary significantly by country. Drilling deep down into the problem, we have created three dimensions that we study, and we have a shared approach across the Group that compares outcomes. This, together with continuous research, enables us to identify the most significant impacts. The difference lies in our permanent analysis, one that we apply on a day-to-day basis: continuous innovation.

Multiplying impact

When there is careful investment in skills, based on evidence and strategic outcomes, we are creating incentives for these patterns of behavior in the sector as a whole. We also look for partnerships where microfinance has no reach, sharing the experience of maximizing impact with experts in their respective fields.

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