1 According to Puerto Rico's official poverty line (distinguishing between rural and urban environments). Source: US Census Bureau. Clients whose net income (i.e. profit obtained from their micro-enterprise) divided by the number of members in the family unit (per capita) is no more than 3 times the poverty line of their corresponding country and type of environment (rural/urban).
2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).
Although nearly half of clients are women, there has been an increase in the proportion of male clients in recent years.
The weight of the loan in new clients‘ monthly sales at the outset has remained stable at around 6% in the last few years.
2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).
The weight of the loan in new clients‘ monthly sales at the outset has remained stable at around 6% in the last few years.
2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).
3 Average disbursement, calculated as the average first disbursement for new clients each year.
4 Weight of the installment calculated as a ratio average (installment divided by sales) of each client.
Practically half of Microfinanzas PR‘s clients signed up in the last year and their per capita average monthly net income is lower than the average for the institution‘s clients as a whole.
Microfinanzas PR clients‘ per capita average monthly net income is 18% higher than the vulnerability line; however, an ample majority of clients (64%) lives on a lower net income.
5 Data of current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
5 Data of current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
6 Poverty lines are for the urban environment.
87% of clients operate in the tertiary sector (trade and services).
7 Data for current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
7 Data for current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
Clients' capacity to generate employment increases as their vulnerability lessens. 69% of micro-entrepreneurs servedby the institution create employment.
7 Data for current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
8 Assets and equity calculated at the time of credit evaluation (i.e. not including the microcredit granted).
9 Data of current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
The ratio of average disbursement as a proportion of assets is similar through all segments (6% of total assets), except for the non-vulnerable, where it represents 10% of total assets.
9 Data of current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
However, as the client becomes less vulnerable, the weight of the installment in their sales falls.
10 Calculations base on clients reporting expenditures.
Net income has grown faster than sales in recent years, suggesting an improvement in business management.
New cohorts are confirmed as having lower monthly sales and lower monthly per capita net income.
11 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, and that have had a data update in the last 12 months. The situation at outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.
12 96 existing clients from the cohort of 2013 are not considered relevant for the analysis.
11 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, and that have had a data update in the last 12 months. The situation at outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.
12 96 existing clients from the cohort of 2013 are not considered relevant for the analysis.
11 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, and that have had a data update in the last 12 months. The situation at the outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.
12 96 existing clients from the cohort of 2013 are not considered relevant for the analysis.
Microfinanzas PR's client retention rate remains similar to previous years. On average, 70% of clients continue to bank with the MFI after a year, and only 40% do so after two years.
13 Percentage of clients in each cohort current as of December 31 2015.
Average disbursement increases steadily the longer the client remains with the institution
14 Average disbursement, calculated as the total disbursement made in a year divided by the number of transactions by each client participating in the disbursement in said year.
13% of Microfinanzas PR clients create at least one new job after two years with the institution and 22% have done so after four years.
15 Proportion of business from that current in each cohort, which has increased their payroll.
16 Only clients who have at least one employee in charge are included.
In the first four years with the MFI, 6% of clients served extend their healthcare cover.
17 Proportion of current clients in each cohort who have moved from no health insurance to having some, from public insurance to a mixed or private one, or from a mixed insurance to a private one.
Gross loan portfolio (USD)
Total disbursed in 2015 (USD)
Nº transactions in 2015
Average disbursement in 2015 (USD)
Deposits & other (USD)
Nº Employees
Nº Offices
Clients receiving financial education
18 Data as of December 31, 2015.