Fondo Esperanza Chile
Classification by the principal vulnerability dimensions of new clients taking out their first loan in 2015, and of total clients who had a loan with the institution at the end of 2015.

Later in the chapter we examine clients in more detail, what they do and how they have performed. The lines presented are in scale with the percentages.
Total clients
New clients
1_ According to Chile's official poverty line (distinguishing between rural and urban environments). Source: [Ministry for Social Development; traditional measuring method. Clients whose per capita net income (i.e. profit obtained from their micro-enterprise) divided by the number of members in the family unit (per capita) is no more than 3 times the poverty line of their corresponding country and type of environment (rural/urban)
2_ Clients with primary education at best, as proportion of all credit clients.
Total clients
New clients
Classification by the principal vulnerability dimensions of new clients taking out their first loan in 2015, and of total clients who had a loan with the institution at the end of 2015. Later in the chapter we examine clients in more detail, what they do and how they have performed. The lines presented are in scale with the percentages.
1_ According to Chile's official poverty line (distinguishing between rural and urban environments). Source: [Ministry for Social Development; traditional measuring method. Clients whose per capita net income (i.e. profit obtained from their micro-enterprise) divided by the number of members in the family unit (per capita) is no more than 3 times the poverty line of their corresponding country and type of environment (rural/urban)

2_ Clients with primary education at best, as proportion of all credit clients.
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Our clients and our scale

Fondo Esperanza retains its focus on serving low-income entrepreneurs in Chile, 87% of the institution’s clients are financially vulnerable.

Client economic vulnerability 1

1 According to Chile's official poverty line (distinguishing between rural and urban environments). Source: [Ministry for Social Development; traditional measuring method. Clients whose per capita net income (i.e. profit obtained from their micro-enterprise) divided by the number of members in the family unit (per capita) is no more than 3 times the poverty line of their corresponding country and type of environment (rural/urban)

Clients by type of product

The proportion of vulnerable clients being acquired has remained at around 90% of new clients in 2015

New credit clients 2

2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).

Profile of our new credit clients 2
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BBVAMFG’s institution with the highest proportion of women in its portfolio (84% of current clients) and a high ratio of clients with primary education at best (43% of the portfolio).

2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).

Sales, disbursement & weight of credit installment 2
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The weight of the installment (as a % of monthly sales) has increased slightly for new clients in 2015 compared to those who joined in 2014, but is still lower than in previous years.

2 Takes into account clients who joined during the year (new clients).
3 Average disbursement,calculated as the average first disbursement for new clients each year.
4 Weight of the installment calculated as a ratio average (installment divided by sales) of each client.

Clients' average per capita monthly net income is USD 143

Average per capita micro-entrepreneurial net income, by client vulnerability 5
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5 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.

Get to know the story of Jaime Gutiérrez and many more, here.

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Average per capita micro-entrepreneurial monthly net income, by client vulnerability 5 6

Fondo Esperanza has the highest proportion of clients in extreme poverty of all the BBVAMF Group institutions.

The average per capita net income of 52% of clients, classified as poor or extremely poor, is USD 1.60 a day, and for the 35% classed as vulnerable the average is USD 5.20.

5 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.
6 Poverty lines are for the urban environment.

Our client's enterprises

Economic activity 7

73.8% of Fondo Esperanza’s clients run a business in the tertiary sector and all are in urban areas.

7 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015

Average monthly sales by vulnerability 7

Vulnerable clients, making up 87% of the total, have average monthly sales of USD 686.

7 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015

In 88% of cases, the client is the only employee in the business

Micro-enterprises’ employee breakdown 7

7 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015

Assets and average disbursement by vulnerability 8

Average disbursement over assets rises in direct correlation rises in direct correlation to the client’s vulnerability; it represents 78% of average assets for extremely poor clients and 31% in the case of non−vulnerable clients.

8 Data of the current portfolio as of December 31, 2015.

Loan installment, expenses & margins (as % of sales) 9

The financial burden of the installment on sales is considerably lighter as clients' incomes rises. On average, it works out at 23%.

Clients' average gross margin is 54%.

9 Calculation base on those clients reporting expenditures.

Our clients’ development

Get to know the story of María Carrasco and many more, here.

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Client economic vulnerability (by cohort) 10 11
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10 Shows the situation at the outset and the current situation at the end of December 2015 of clients in each cohort still current as of December 31, 2015.
11 Clients participating in the sample are current clients whose data has been updated in the last 12 months.

Since 2012, over 4,500 current clients who were initially classified as poor had risen above the poverty line by the end of 2015. After two years, 36% of clients classified at the outset as poor are above the poverty line.

Clients overcoming poverty (by cohort) 12

12 Clients participating in the sample are current clients whose data has been updated in the last 12 months.

Retention 13

Similar client retention performance in the last 4 cohorts analyzed. After one year, the churn rate remains at an average of around 57%.

13 Percentage of clients in each cohort current as of December, 31 2015.

Clients report sustained growth in their business sales, net income and assets.

Average monthly sales (by cohort) (USD) 14
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Faster growth in net income than in sales suggests an efficiency increase on the part of businesses during the course of their relationship with Fondo Esperanza.

14 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, whose data has been updated in the last 12 months. The situation at the outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.

Average monthly net income (by cohort) (USD) 14
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14 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, whose data has been updated in the last 12 months. The situation at outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.

Average assets (by cohort) (USD) 14
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14 Data of current clients as of December 31, 2015, whose data has been updated in the last 12 months. The situation at outset is shown (data in their cohort year) and their situation at the end of December 2015. The outset is the moment that the first loan was granted.

Average disbursement per transaction (by cohort) 15

Significant increase in the average disbursement: in four years it quadruples.

15 Average disbursement, calculated as the total disbursement made in a year divided by the number of transactions by each client participating in the disbursement in said year.

Activity Data

Summary of activity 16

Gross loan portfolio (USD)


Total disbursed in 2015 (USD)


Nº transactions in 2015


Average disbursement in 2015 (USD)


Deposits & other (USD)


Nº Employees


Nº Offices


Clients receiving financial education


16 Data as of December 31, 2015.